Mail +Channel

Create your mail +channel

1. Insert your mail in here

2. Insert note where will you share

Example :

2.1. How about prefix?

Some times I put emoji in here 🖐️, You can also ignore it

3. Get your +channel email address

Now you can share

4. Save +channel note with copy or sent to your e-mail

Note :

About Mail+Channel

Recently, I learned about the Gmail "+ address trick." After seeing this, I thought it might be a good way to find out who sold my personal information, close the leaked channel whenever needed, and ultimately reduce spam or phishing.

I decided to name this idea "mail + channel." It might already exist, but I haven't been able to research beyond terms like "mail alias" or "+ trick." It might not be as good as Apple's email relay since it's not completely anonymous.

The core idea is this: "To send me an email, you need to tell me where you got the address from!" Sometimes it's hard to know where phishing or spam emails originated. For example, let's say someone claiming to be from a government agency sends a tax bill. Normally, you wouldn't fall for it, but in a convincing situation, you might believe it. However, if you check the address they sent it to and see it's the one you provided for a mailing list, you'll know it's spam or phishing. You'll even know which mailing list leaked your email.

To achieve this, I thought of using the + trick and random code generation. Something like I considered using a complex hash, but in the sample above, I kept it simple. I'm calling these randomly generated codes "channels." When I create a channel, I'll also note the purpose and manage it personally.

Using an unknown code prevents the sender from intentionally modifying it. For instance, they could change the name to id+google, id+apple, id+gov, and if it happens to match a code I've registered, I might be fooled.

Using such hard-to-recognize codes might make it difficult for me to track them, but I thought about using the Gmail API to leave tags based on the recipient address. However, I'm not confident enough to develop this idea fully, so I'm just creating a proof of concept and seeking advice.

Using the Gmail API or other mail platform APIs could make it easier to handle channels you didn't create or legacy email addresses.

What do you think about the idea of creating channels for different purposes to control and track external communications through "mail+channel"?

I hope this feature becomes a basic function in mail platforms or, if possible, applies to other communication channels like SMS.